Sunday, October 14, 2012

Better than Nothing

I am currently in my fourth job since I graduated in 2008. I experienced inconsistencies on my incomes which had affected me badly in the past. However, I feel that the experience that I had gone through is beyond the dollar sign that I always aimed for.

In every organization that I have joined in the past, I heard and I saw a resemblant of a behaviour. A particular behaviour which I believe most of us encountered previously or even now. 

Satisfaction is a very subjective issue. Different people will have different level of satisfaction in anything which will reflect their expectation. In my previous experience, I have been encountering people with very high expectation which at the end comes with a very high disappointment. 

The most common issues are workload and remuneration. Some people always complain on their workload which they claimed to be quite a lot and also on their salary, which they claimed to be too little. From my point of view, I always see these people as those who want an easy job but with very high salary which is ridiculous to me.

Jealousy is one of the factors that contribute to the behaviour. For example, an executive with a total remuneration around 8k is suppose to do a job worth of 8k to the organization but he passed most of his responsibility to the next in line person which is a lower ranking personnel let say an assistant executive with a remuneration to be less than 3k. Now, the assistant executive has to do works worth more than 3k and the executive is doing the work that worth of less than 8k. The assistant executive would bear the burden while the executive will only have to wait for the final results for his report.

The above situation would create jealousy and will normally lead to poor quality of work. Most of the executive works will be done improperly and would definitely affect other parties who share the same process. The situation will become a chain reaction and will definitely affect the whole group and affect the quality of work of the organization.

My experience had taught me that whatever we have at this moment, it is very important for us to appreciate it no matter how hard it is. The experience we gained from a tough situation is priceless and will be our guidance in the future. It is a learning process. If we are remunerated with a far lower value from another, just accept it for this moment. It is better to deliver the best that we can rather that to deliver the best that we want as in this situation, the best that we can offer is always far beyond the best that we want to offer.

This is my words from my experience. It is always better to appreciate anything that we have now than to appreciate it after we lose it. Take my words as the person who had lost a few jobs and learned from the behaviour of other people. It is always better to have less than to have nothing at all.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Saving Electricity on Air Conditioner

I was surfing the internet trying to find the solution to cool down my home during the hot day. I can't bear the heat and the situation was getting worse as my air conditioner was not functioning properly. There was a minor leakage at the end of the gas tube which caused the cooling gas to escape.
I found a lot of suggestions on the method to cool down the house during a hot day on the internet which then come to a very simple conclusion on the principle of cooling the house which is physics; more specific on thermodynamics.

Based on the principle of thermodynamics, heat flows from the high temperature region to a lower temperature region; which means that cool air in a confined space will eventually gets warmer over time. Therefore, in order to cool the house, the air must keep moving in and out. Just like the principle of operation of an air conditioner; in order to cool the air, the air must flow passing the flow of the refrigerant. When the air or the refrigerant stop, the cooling effect will reduce.

The most important fact is to keep the air moving in and out. Remember, hot air will go up and cooler air will go down. In order to cool down the house, we must get rid of the hot air and allow the cool air to get in. Cool air will get warm over time in a confined space.

So, the key is KEEP THE AIR MOVING. Open the lowest window on one side of the house to allow cool air in and the highest window on the other end of the house to allow hot air to escape. Putting a fan to aid the air flow will help to get rid of the hot air. Hence we save on air conditioner electricity consumption and additionally we save our environment.