Friday, July 29, 2011

Your Guide to Green Purchase


Actually, we can save much of our money by not simply buy the things we don't need. Some people said that environmental protection is like live in jail, can't do things we like to do and no freedom, but this is not the case, protect the environment can be very fun and cool!
What is green purchase? Green purchase refers to buy things in a green way. The things you bought should contain minimum percentage of toxic, biodegradable or recyclable and do not use large amount of energy and emit a lot of pollutant in the production process.
If you as a consumer state your demand of green product to the supplier, they would produce it! Why certain factory have the technology to produce green product but they don't produce it? This is because normally the cost of production of green product is slightly higher, if consumer don't have the demand over green product, for sure the factory will not produce green product for maximum profit.
Do you know much people are starving in this world? Do you know that money spent on pet food of European and American (US$17bil) could have eliminated world hunger and malnutrition (US$19bil)? Why don't we use that amount of money to help those who really need that amount of money to survive?
As one of the resident on earth, i think we have the responsibility to protect the earth. So let's begin our first step: purchase things in a green way.
Here are the guidelines for green purchase.
  • Electric Appliances -- Choose electric appliances that have low energy consumption. Keep them clean and in good condition so it can have maximum performance and minimum energy consumption. Demand for eco-friendly and low energy consumption electric appliances from your local suppliers.
  • Meat -- Eat less meat and more vegetables.
  • Beverages -- Recycle the aluminium cans and bottles. Refill your mineral bottle instead buying a new one.
  • Handphones -- Think twice before you change your handphone. Recycle your old handphone. If you can't find a place to recycle your handphone, contact your handphone dealer.
  • Cleaning products -- Use natural and biodegradable cleaning agent such as baking powder, vinegar and hot water.
  • Clothing -- Buy less new clothes except needed. Donate unwanted clothes for charities.
  • Computer -- Buy computers that can be easily upgraded. Recycle your old computer or donate them to charities. Use Linux as your operating systems because it has lower hardware requirements and hence no need to upgrade your computer frequently.
  • CDs and DVDs -- Use rewritable CDs and DVDs.
  • Paper -- Recycle paper. Buy paper contains at least 30% of recycled content. Use both pages of paper for printing or writing. Cut down your paper usage by proess your document electronically.
  • Plastic bags -- Use durable cloth bags. Decline a plastic bag if you purchase a small and easy carry item
Here are the characteritics of green product.
  • Can be recycled
  • Have recycled content
  • Energy efficient
  • Emission reducing
  • Reusable
  • Bio-degradable
  • Organic
Please think twice a product is needed before buy it, consider the environmental impact of the product's life cycle ( from production from raw materials to desposal ). And finally you may gather the environmental information on products and suppliers on the internet before you buy it.
Still have doubts? Visit us for more details on green purchase.
I'm a webmaster of [] which is a website that discover environmental issues. I hope that people on this planet will care our mother nature more. So i put articles on how to solve environmental issues and in the same time sustainable develop 2 promote environmental protection.